Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The first journal entry

Ms Chua, Mrs Tay whichever, if you are wondering why this account has no journal entry post, it's because i forgot my password so i created another account which somehow i forgot the password again so i created another account and did the 'stressed journal. But, it just so happens that i was trying to get into my account i falsely accused of being hacked(this one) and i remembered the password and i got in.There you have it. So do i do the 'stressed students' journal? wait. I don't even know if you're reading this or not. ehhhh. Okay i will do it here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm reading Tan Man. Oh yes and I want to discuss something, the folower doesnt want to be called follower. Can you think of any names for her?

  3. ARRGGHH!!!!!Fine, follower is fine. Just don't say it multiple times in one shot!!!

  4. I guess so...(to follower)

  5. they started calling her follower because ahe kept following everyone's blog, which is weird if i may say so(following everyone's blog i mean)
